standard-title Consultations Online consultations at the most convenient time for you.


Online consultations at the most convenient time for you.

Online Consultations & Dietary Recommendations

This is an online video consultation service which allows you to speak face to face with a qualified Nutritional Therapist through your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. Infinite Progress Nutrition provides this service to you upon making an Online Appointment here. Once you book a consultation in our system you’ll receive a confirmation email with all the details about your online appointment.

Our aim is to help you in healing and reversing the root causes of symptoms through nutritional and naturopathic therapeutic support during ongoing treatment with traditional methods. This is why during our Initial Consultation we’re doing an assessment where we ask you about your diet, lifestyle, family background and environment, as well as the history of any illnesses or complaints.

After taking a detailed health history, we analyze information gathered from you during our initial interview and then, during the next couple of days, we’ll work on creating specific dietary recommendations tailored to your current and future needs. By doing so we’ll employ a range of non-invasive techniques in order to support the body’s capacity to heal.

To read more about our offer and get more detailed information about each services we provide please click on any of the tabs below.

Infinite Progress Nutrition - Consultations - Initial ConsultationIt’s the first consultation with the client. It usually lasts up to 1.5 hours. You’ll need your mobile or laptop / desktop with a webcam and microphone running any OS (Windows, Mac, Linux) with any of the following communicators: WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber or Skype.

You need to ensure that at the time of your consultation you have a good WiFi or mobile internet connection. You should be fine on your phone with a solid 3G/4G connection but we recommend you use your home or office WiFi for the most stable connection.


During initial consultation we discuss and ask our clients about:

  • current alarming symptoms
  • medical test results (blood test results, medical reports, etc.) in electronic version  [jpg, jpeg, pdf, doc]
  • food products, dish names and liquids consumed by client during the course of the week
  • list of possible nutritional-dependent health causes
  • the impact of current eating habits on client’s health and further health consequences

During consultation you have the same level of patient-therapist confidentiality as a face-to-face consultation and all clinical notes taken during interview are accessible only to us.


Initial Consultations availability:

  • 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM – Monday to Friday
  • 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM – Saturday

Please note hours for consultations will be reduced or removed during bank holiday weekends and Christmas.


To book your Appointment for Initial Consultation click here

Infinite Progress Nutrition - Consultations - Dietary RecommendationsDietary Recommendations service refers to a list of personalized dietary advices. They come in a form of electronically written documentation (usually 4-20 page long) which is prepared by Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist for our client within 2 to 4 weeks post Initial Consultation.

Our dietary recommendations describe food-based dietary guidelines that are meant to support you in the treatment of your ailments.


Our dietary recommendations include:

  • analysis of the body’s health needs
  • short-term and long-term expected health goals
  • recommended therapeutic methods (if requested then copy of scientific research on which the recommendations are based is included)
  • food, liquids and diet supplements dosage
  • examples of recommended products and sources of required nutrients
  • one-day-long recommended supplement products table (showing the best time to take recommended products and drink liquids)
  • personalized nutrition guidelines
  • individually personalized list of safe and beneficial food products from our Nutritional Therapist
  • extended sample diet menu per one week (for educational purposes with individual client’s needs included) – [additional charge]
  • one month free of charge support during implementation of these recommendations (answering clients questions by email and/or phone contact)

Total cost of dietary recommendations is determined on the individual basis and may vary based on factors such as: number of received test results to be analyzed, complexity of the health condition dealt with, number of extra scientific research needed, etc.


Dietary Recommendations availability:

  • 2 to 4 weeks  – post Initial Consultation


Infinite Progress Nutrition - Consultations - Follow-up ConsultationFollow-up consultation lasts about 60 mins. You’ll need your mobile or laptop / desktop with a webcam and microphone running any operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) with any of the following communicators installed: WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber or Skype.

You need to ensure that at the time of your consultation you have a good WiFi or mobile internet connection. You should be fine on your phone with a solid 3G/4G connection but we recommend you use your home or office WiFi for the most stable connection.


During follow-up consultation we aim to:

  • verify client’s progress in implementing our therapist’s recommendations
  • discuss problems that may arise during the implementation of nutritional changes
  • discuss any issues that might have arose after the introduction of necessary supplementation
  • determine the most important client’s needs and choose the most beneficial solutions
  • discuss any additional nutritional needs or necessary modifications in food supplementation

During follow-up consultation you have the same level of patient-therapist confidentiality as a face-to-face consultation.


Follow-up Consultations availability:

  • 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM – Monday to Friday
  • 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM – Saturday

Please note hours for consultations will be reduced or removed during bank holiday weekends and Christmas.


To book your Appointment for Follow-up Consultation click here

Infinite Progress Nutrition - Consultations - Results AnalysisResults Analysis will help you understand how your body system is currently behaving, and how it should respond to recommendations received from our therapists. The purpose of this analysis is to reassure you on the current status of your health condition or to redirect you toward additional health professional, based on your results and other information you have transmitted.

This information will help us to identify areas of your body’s strength and weakness in order to help you focus again on areas where it’s most needed.


Results Analysis is an important step in the process of bringing your body’s health back to balance. Based on the results received from our clients we are able to more acurately provide them with nessesary updates to their current nutritional and naturopathic recommendations.

We recommend our clients to check blood count and other important blood factors with their GP (General Practitioner) after 2-3 months post implementation of our dietary recommendations. Based on the test results received from our client’s our therapists will be in position to more precisely prepare updated recommendations.

Blood tests should be requested by client’s GP. Any additional tests can be provided by professional bodies, like:

Genova Diagnostics

BTS Ireland

Biolab UK

Lifecode Gx

You can also contact medical laboratory of your own choice to schedule medical tests but it is important to return to the same laboratory in order to benefit from previous results that can be compared to current and future results.

Above laboratories are authorized to carry out medical test examinations and our therapists do interpretations. In the same way that we provide interpretations of test results for our clients, we provide interpretations of more complex results in case of requests from other health practitioners.

Given the high level of expertise of our therapists and the time spent for each interpretation, the cost of this service may vary but we keep it at a very reasonable level. This price should be compared to the fee for a short visit with GP.


To order Results Analysis contact us here

Infinite Progress Nutrition - Consultations - Infinite PackageINFINITE PACKAGE

The most cost effective and comprehensive way to better understand and manage your own health condition and wellbeing.


What’s included in the package:

  • Initial Consultation (1.5 hrs interview; discussion on family history, risk factors, sign and symptoms of existing health conditions)
  • Dietary Recommendations (written and sent in electronic version)
  • Sample Weekly Menu (written and sent in electronic version list of recommended products and supplementation)
  • Results Analysis (analysis and interpretation of any performed by client test results)
  • 2x Follow-Up Consultations (discussion on available medical test results, updated recommendations and advice on lifestyle and risk prevention)



  • Gives you information which may help you reduce your risk of developing certain health conditions.
  • All of our consultations are carried out by qualified and experienced Naturopathic Therapists.
  • Medical tests recommended by our therapists are chosen to  help identify conditions where early detection and intervention is beneficial.
  • Dietary recommendations provided to our clients are based on the latest medical guidelines.
  •  All medical information and results analysis obtained from our clients are held in the strictest confidence, and will never be linked with anyone.


When you order INFINITE PACKAGE you will be sent an information to confirm dates and times of online consultations which are most suitable for you, together with instructions to help you prepare for your online appointment. A description of recommended tests to be performed will be given after initial consultation.


To order INFINITE PACKAGE today click here

Infinite Progress Nutrition - Consultations - Phone ConsultTelephone Consult is a service that we offer to our clients in emergency situations which is aimed at helping to resolve personal health matters.

Phone consultation lasts about 15-20 min and it aims to discuss a client’s sudden health problem, determine the most important needs and choose the most advantageous solution.

We expect that client will take its own notes or memorize the recommendations given to him from our therapist during the phone conversation.

When client wishes to get a copy of these recommendations sent to him in an electronic form, we’ll add an extra charge to the Phone Consult service.

This is due to the fact that an extra time will need to be spend on by our therapist to prepare written form of recommendations to our client.


Standard call rates to Irish landlines & mobiles apply when calling from Republic of Ireland (per your phone operator).
When calling from outside Republic of Ireland then International call rates apply as per your mobile/landline phone provider.


To avail of Phone Consult service call: +353-85-706-6835